Saturday, December 13, 2008

At home: staying at home in winter

[Disclaimer: I apologise in advance for any bad spelling or nonsensical sentences in this post.  Let's just say I have had a lot of cold medication in the past two days].

This was the view out of my back door at 7am yesterday morning.  It was somewhere around this time that I convinced myself that my cold was serious enough to warrant me taking off work.  I don't have flu as I had the vaccine but I phoned up work and explained that I would rather consider cancelling a day's leave next week than risk getting a more serious chest or lung infection.  Thankfully I am pretty dedicated to my job so they seemed okay with this.  (And yes, I am indeed a big baby when it comes to getting sick.  I don't like it at all!).

Stephen was off on business in Liverpool this week and he asked me later in the day if I had watched lots of television (being a TV addict requires some dedication to the cause!).  I told him that in fact I hadn't - I actually didn't feel too good at all and had just lain in bed and stared out of the window most of the day.  I have pretty much followed the same pattern again today.



This is the view out of my bedroom window today.  Twenty years ago this type of rainy day weather would have inspired me to listen to The Cure and write really bad poetry but thankfully I grew out of my coffin-kid phase.  These days I just lie in bed and marvel at how beautiful my cats are. 

Stephen's parents are arriving in London from South Africa tomorrow - they are most likely at the airport right now.  It is very exciting as they have never been out of South Africa before although they are both frequent fliers within the country.  I have three or four days left of work for the year and then we are off on two small road trips.  I'll post my itineraries in the next day or so.  I challenge you to try spell "itinerary" when you are feeling under the weather!

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