Friday, July 30, 2010

The conservative world of cruising?

A very lively debate has erupted after we published a link to our website on a few of the big sailing forums out there. One in particular created such an intense discussion that more that 40 people engaged into contemplating on if our blog was good enough as a cruising blog or not. Most of the members writing on that thread was of course positive, glad to see something new and inspiring but there were some among them who called our blog "too slick, fake and self-centered", also "too sexy". Some accused us for being too commercial and even too professional to suit in the "natural" world of cruising. Ha! Some of the members even accused us for charging money through paypal on our site, where they got that idea from is still a mystery. Have you guys ever sen a Pay Pal sign here on this blog? That specific thread on CF has now been removed from the forum and we're waiting for an explanation from it's administrators of why and for what reason it's deleted as we are sure of that we haven't violated on any of their rules.

In the meanwhile, here's a picture for you all out there: Is this also maybe too sexy and fake to suit in the fine world of cruising? (Our apologize for showing the boat in that terrible condition though. This is taken just in between the sanding of the primer and applying of some more..)
It is just fantastic what emails we've received in the last 24 hours. People from every part of the world have contacted us to tell us how much they love what we do and how we do it, and also some few emails were sent by conservative members of those forums urged us to stop writing in forums such as CF as we are "destroying" the "natural" world of cruising. Very amusing indeed.

To all of you other, positive, open minded people who're reading this blog, thanks for reading, we are delighted by the fact that we might inspire some of you out there to follow your dreams. And a very warm welcome to all of our new readers! /A&T

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