Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nudos, alguien?

Since I'm still a rookie in this sailing world with only a six months of experience, I am given private sailing lessons by Alex every once in a while. (Or once in a while is misleading since we recently moved aboard, so more fair would be to say that everyday is like a new sailing class for me). Anyhow, he brings home book after book to make me study what is considered to be important to read about to become a skilled sailoress. And to somehow be prepared for this long tour we are planning.

What he seem to forget is that not everyone speaks fluent English, Spanish AND French as he does, and you can never be prepared on which type of reading he brings back home. Will it be a technical book about rigging in Spanish or all about the Caribbean islands in French? Like this book about sailing knots he wants me to read. Seriously, I am just in the process of building up my Spanish language skills - on a normal term - and now he wants to believe that I'm ready to learn how to sail in this language as well. It's not enough with one? English, i.e? Or why not Swedish? Finnish?

But thank you my love for the multi-stimulant pedagogics. I am sure I will master all of it when we are done with this journey. /T

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