Thursday, December 10, 2009

Contacting Emm

Summer and Josey

I’ve noticed over the past couple of months that people are often trying to get hold of me but struggle to find a way.  So, given that I actually like chatting to people, I thought I should make it easier.

The best way to contact me is to leave a comment on my blog.  The reason this is the best way is that I have a general rule to reply to comments before I post a new post!

The next best way is to send an email to missus dot emm at gmail dot com.  My job and corresponding moods vary greatly from busy and harassed to bored and talkative so please bear with me if you don’t hear an answer straight away.

Meeting up, getting together, having lunch

I am always keen to meet up with people (and don’t worry Mum, I’m pretty street savvy so I do hope I won’t get stalked or anything like that!)  If you find yourself in London or ever want to spend a Saturday afternoon running around taking photos then feel free to drop me a line.  If you’re in the London Bridge area, you’re also welcome to take part in the national campaign to get me to take more frequent lunch hours!

Blogging tips

A lot of people contact me asking how I’ve done this or that on my blog template.  I’m always happy to answer questions (and might even start up another blog in the new year for all my tips and hints).

Guest posts

I’m always happy for other bloggers to write guest posts and the HostelBookers post on New York Hostels is a great example of this.  In fact, I’d love someone to post about Italy or Portugal as I struggle to make up my mind which to visit next year.  I have three conditions though which usually chase potential guest bloggers away.
1). Your post must have pictures or photos and can’t just be text.  As you can see from the photo above, I am just about unable to make a post without a photo.  It can’t just be video either.
2). It is fine if you are endorsing travel sites or tools (or even your own blog) but you must make your post relevant to this site and of course, interesting to my beloved readers.  
3). I will need to see and edit your post before it goes live.  If it is tacky, spammy or offensive in any way, I won’t post it.

I do like to do guest posts on other people’s blogs too but I often find I go blank when trying to think of a subject so it doesn’t often happen!

Advertising on this blog

This is always a possibility but this is a not-for-profit blog that is primarily written as a hobby.  If you do want to advertise or push your product, it must take none of my time or effort at all – I definitely don’t do endorsements or paid posts. 

The best way to advertise a similarly not-for-profit blog would be to follow my affiliate links to CMF Ads or Entrecard and you can then advertise using the slots on the left hand side.  Neither of those programs requires an actual buy in and you can use the credits you earn to advertise.  I don’t accept ads from paid or non-relevant sites on my blog (unless you’re a good blogging friend of mine).

Blogrolls, link exchanges

The best way to get on my blogroll is to introduce yourself and comment on my blog.  “Meeting” people and getting to know them means I inevitably go over to their blogs and start reading them.  My blogroll feeds from categories on my feed reader so shortly after I subscribe to your blog, it will show on my blogroll.  My favourite type of blogs are photography, travel, expat, city and regional blogs.  Oh, and media and political blogs but those go on my media and political blogs.

Offering me a couch to sleep on when I visit your city

I thought I’d sneak this one in.  And why yes, that would be lovely, thank you!

Just Saying Hi

You’re most welcome to drop me a line just to say hi but because of the aforementioned job / mood situation, I’m often not in a position to reply to messages straight away.  Don’t be offended, I’m just like that.

Snail mail

Drop me a line if you’d like to send me a postcard or anything of the sort.  Naturally, I am more likely to give my address to people I know!

I think that’s all!  Hopefully this should reduce the number of “contacting missus emm” and “contact emm in london” queries I’m seeing in Google!  And hopefully the people that did struggle will now be able to say hi.

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