Yesterday morning I decided to take a walk around Sidcup. I make a habit of walking whenever possible so I thought it was an excellent opportunity to walk home from the doctor's rooms instead of arranging for Stephen to pick me up. I knew it would be about a 35 minute walk which is just perfect.
The first thing that caught my eye was this little rest area. It is completely fenced in with a chain link fence and it is the tiniest area. I suppose it would be a great area to throw a little ball with your dog but I am not sure it would be any good keeping in my massive dog! She could easily just step over the fence and stroll out of there, I'm sure.
This little stream runs straight through Sidcup. It is the same stream as the one that runs behind my house. I'll show you a picture of that shortly.
I am really desperate to get a photo of a squirrel or fox. They are so common here and we often have them causing trouble around our house. Of course, we don't get either of those animals in Johannesburg and I am not sure if I ever saw squirrels anywhere in South Africa. We definitely don't get foxes. They fascinate me. So, I was trying to get a picture of this particularly shy squirrel and I decided to follow it into the woods. The thought did cross my mind that I felt safe enough to go into the woods alone but there were lots of people out dog walking.
Whenever I see woods, my mind goes back to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and all the time our heroes spent hiding in the woods. I love all of the dense vegetation.
It was so quiet in the woods that I could hear the sound of individual leaves and twigs falling to the ground. It was so beautiful and soothing. It was as if I could hear the very sounds of Autumn itself - like the sounds of the merging Spring but in reverse. It was surreal and lovely.
It was only 8:45 in the morning and apart from the dog walkers, the streets were very quiet. I've often remarked on how late Londoners get up on the weekends!
It was so quiet in fact that the sounds of the birds was riotous in comparison. I think in some sense this picture shows that winter is definitely here. I cannot wait to start putting up Christmas decorations (and then to start complaining as my lunatic animals tear them down).
The shopping precinct near my house is called 'The Oval'. It is a line of cute little businesses running along the one side of an oval-shaped park. I like the sense of community among these little stores and we're up at the shops at least twice a day on the weekends. Then again, that is mostly my brother popping out to support my flying saucer fix.
In no time at all I was almost back home. I took a walk into the park behind my house and took a couple of shots from across the park. You can just see the muddy bank of the stream at the end of the grass. I imagine it is going to be full of mosquitos i the summer but for now it doesn't give us any problems at all. And it keeps the dog walkers from coming right up to our back gate and torturing our dogs with their unknown smells and sounds!! Ours is the house on the left hand side.
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